Finding a record in iDempiere is simple. When you open a window, a search function is normally presented to you. An example of a search function is below:
There are two tabs in the search button. The Lookup Record contains basic fields that are used to search for the field. In the sample above, it will use Document No and/or Description to search a record. As a default, the fields functions as a SQL LIKE command as iDempiere adds a wildcard at the end of the field.
If the basic fields are not enough, the user can always use the search functions in the Advanced Tab.
The advanced tab gives the user access to all the columns of the window table. The user has the ability to add one, two or more search criteria as needed.
The History Records allow the user to search items based on time. By default, iDempiere shows you all documents that are not completed, in draft and have been completed in the last 24 hours. The History Records allow you to show history of records based on the field you required. Finally the user also has the ability to save and retrieve his query in the future. This is useful if the user finds himself repeating a specific query repeatedly.